Smith Residence

Year Completed: 2009

Location: Private residence in Toronto, ON

Designed (and already installed) by the owner, was a sunken concrete moat like structure by the windows surrounding the living room. Genetron securely waterproofed this area and installed a Wolfgang Amelung Rainforest Ecosystem Wall with all of the biome expressions: Waterfall, Terrestrial, Canopy, Shoreline, Planted aquatic with fish, etc, as well as a terrestrial island expression in the middle and another terrestrial expression at the far end of the moat or water area.

The water is always sparkling fresh and the wall is vibrant green and living with flowery orchids and bromeliads. As well, large rock wall with live moss are part of the system and may be considered, as yet another biome expression.

This installation is a very elaborate, closely integrated system. More distant umbilical expressions are additional future considerations namely: a remote umbilical aquarium and remote umbilical planters